Thursday Thoughts, or Thoughtful Thursday. I guess
It is Thursday. It is the end of November. Tomorrow starts my busiest month of the year. I am sure that it is busy for you as well since all sorts of music-based celebrations happen during this month. I was informed that "we" are doing a Sunday School Sunday on the 17th. I was not part of the planning, and I now have to figure out how to get something special for my class to do on their own since the other two teachers had a conversation and decided that my class would "help" their classes with their ideas but no one told me about anything... again. I have now requested that we talk to each other about these special things as a TEAM and not a dyad. I am always left out of those conversations until 15 minutes before Sunday School starts and then I have to scrap my plans to accommodate theirs. It is very frustrating because it feels that I am being sabotaged at the last minute with excuses like "well, WE talked about it last week." The "we," thoug...