Spend Time Creating: Thanksgiving Weekend

Spend Time Creating: Watercolor swirls in pastel colors in the background. Text includes the following: “#MusicTherapyMaker,” “Saturdays at musictxandme.blogspot.com,” and the website URL: www.musictherapyworks.com.
It is the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend here in my part of the world, and I have done very little in the past two days, including writing. I am currently participating in NaNoWriMo - the National Novel Writing Month, and I have not written much in the past three days, but I have done some.

This is the first time that I have participated in this particular event. The goal is to write 50,000 words in a month. I am at 32,648 words written this month. I have stories that total 51,563 words all together, so I feel like I have won, but I am only counting the words that I add in this month.

The purpose of NaNoWriMo is to get me into a writing routine of some sort. If I manage to write the remaining 17, 352 words in the next six days, I will be amazed. Since I haven't done this before, I am proud of what I will get finished at that date. 

I am enjoying the writing - mostly. As always, when I have something that I want to do - a goal, if you will - I tend to lose interest and start to resent the project itself. I am in that mode right now, but I also am enjoying some world creation and lots of silliness as I imagine future music therapy worlds. It is the way I can create the easiest right now, so I am expressing my creativity in this way more than in any other.

Today, I am waiting for a wintery storm to arrive here and dump some snow on us, so I may have some more inclination to sit at the computer and add to my stories. Am I hoping for a snow day? Not really, but I am looking forward to the advent of winter. For some reason, snow storms before Thanksgiving make me frustrated, but snow storms after Thanksgiving are wonderful! 

With the weather being snowy, I am looking forward to being at home. I want to go to a movie, but the snow will start during my preferred time, so I might not even leave my house. A winter weather advisory is a perfect excuse to stay at home and do some creating. That just might be my goal.

My brain is churning out lots of creative thoughts at the moment. I have spent lots of time writing about creative cycles and the ups and downs of being a music therapy creator. Currently, I am in a creative flood of ideas with a physical block from accomplishing most of those ideas right now. I am hoping to be playing guitar by the new year, but we will see. My writing is my creativity outlet this month.

My stories are to the point where I need to introduce some challenges into the lives of my protagonists. I am getting ready to do just that. I am not sure what the challenge will be for one of my protagonists, but I know what the second one will start to experience. I have started to hint at the situation that will be the root cause - eventually. It is time to build that story a bit more, so that will be my focus for the next several days...weeks...months...until I am done.

What do you do to create?


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