Thoughtful Thursday: I am Just Perplexed By the World I Inhabit Right Now

Is there some sort of magnetic anomaly happening around our planet right now? Sun spots? Ley line activation? Astrological events going on?

I am in a cycle of weird happenings going on with me and mine that are just baffling.  Every single technological device that I own has stuttered, stopped, needed significant care in the past two weeks. My mother's technology is doing the same thing. My sister's devices are acting up as well. Street lights are exploding as I drive under them on a regular basis, and every doctor's office that I have been to has had unusual things happen to their computers when I step up to the desk. "It's going really slow, for some reason. It was just fine." That is the constant refrain when I go anywhere.

I cannot understand why this is happening. I try my best to keep things updated and working. I am convinced that the universe of technology has something against the women in my family right now. I might as well blame our shared DNA for this experience.

Is anyone having these same problems?

I have been awake since my modem went down for a "twenty-minute update" that lasted three hours. I am not sure why I woke up when the internet went down, but I did.. As a result, I am returning to work after a sick day due to fatigue at an exhaustion level that is greater than the way I felt yesterday morning after a full night of sleep. I have no group session leadership time in the next two days of work due to fast and furious changes happening in the facility itself, so I will be able to conserve some of my energy to sit.

There are so many things happening in my small radius of the world that I have not been paying much attention to what is happening in other parts. I am trying to shield myself from the gigantic issues that are happening away from the 80 miles that I tend to travel away from my home any given week because I am not sure that my emotional state would support such knowledge. It still seeps in, though.

To help myself with all of this, I am focusing on what I can be part of. I cannot fix the situation in our Congress. I cannot stop the slaughter of innocent people. I cannot stop my clients from making choices that harm themselves and others. All I can control is my response to what others do. Since that is what I am able to control, that has to be my focus.

I made my reservations for my annual visit home this morning. I will be missing out on Christmas Eve services, but I will be home for Christmas morning for the first time in three years - as long as the weather cooperates with me. That was the complication the last time I tried to get home for Christmas - there was a snowstorm on the east coast. I am not going to the east coast this time around, so I am hoping that the airlines will have planes where I need them to be.

One thing I know for sure is that it will be what it will be.

I am going to head to work now.

It will be what it will be.


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