TME Tuesday: Back to My Attempt

TME Tuesdays: Box with abstract background design including the following text:; TME Tuesday; Therapeutic Music Experience Development for Music Therapists by Music Therapists; Tuesdays; Work smarter, not harder.
I wrote a song yesterday, but I can't move forward until I can play my guitar. I might be released to use my hand again on Friday, but I don't know yet. I am not happy about not being able to use my left hand to make music or do anything else. This has hit me harder this time around than it did in 2020 when I broke two fingers. I am tired of not being able to do much of anything.

The song yesterday was all about making food. I wrote it on a used post-it note and took it into my group session. Then, I picked up the wrong post-it note and had to go back to one of my stand-bys, I Like to Eat, Eat, Eat, Eat, Eat. I took out my food pictures and my clients selected things that they like to eat. I have since found out that my music notation software (bought by my father in 2014) is not on my computer, so I am downloading that right now. I can now set up music to see if it works the same in my head as it does on paper.

One of the things that I have never been very good at is rhythmic notation. I can figure out a melody and harmonic structure like no one's business, but rhythms are complicated for my brain. So, to combat this particular difficulty, I use PrintMusic to help me out. I notate songs the way I think they go, and then I listen to what I wrote and adapt it to fit my version of the song. I can hear when things don't match my expectations, but I can't always write it correctly the first time.

More practice with this would make it easier, but I am not feeling interested in writing much these days. I have a wonky finger that is splinted and in the way of typing, writing, drawing, and it hurts when I clap. (Can you tell that I am stuck in "poor me" mode these days?) 


It is time to start writing up my TME ideas again. I took a couple of weeks off because I was sick and gone most of that time. I am feeling better and am back into my routine now, so I am trying to go back to the routine. My hope is that I will get my five TMEs written by the end of the week.

For now, I am going to finish this writing and get ready to go to work. We have five groups and one individual today. My other individual discharged, so I have some space in my schedule to fill. I leave at the end of my contract hours on Tuesdays, so I will get home a bit early. I might go see a movie, but I will probably just come home.

Four days left until I go back to the worker's compensation doctor to see if I can start to use my finger again. I forgot my splint yesterday. I had taken it off to make meatloaf on Sunday afternoon, and I did not remember to put it back on until I was half-way to work yesterday. I made a temporary splint out of some cardboard and masking tape to keep my finger straight. I remembered to put the metal splint back on last night so I am ready. My finger hurts when I use it. I still have to wear the splint when I am at work, but I have permission to take it off for periods of time when I am at home. I am hoping to have the ability to chord in a couple of weeks.

I miss my guitar. I miss my crafting. I miss being able to write or draw or color. I miss being able to type with all eight fingers. I know, I know. I am slipping into angst again. Time to pull myself up and stop complaining.

Have a good Tuesday.


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