The More I Try to Learn. the More I Find We Are Really the Same

I am currently taking a continuing education course on a theory that is related to others I have studied over the years. This course is rooted in a different music therapy tradition than my own experience, so it is a good exercise to observe music therapy from a different philosophical perspective. This is something that I am trying to do this year in an effort to deepen my understanding of what music therapy is and what we do as music therapists. I am looking outside my own philosophy to that of others to see what I see - for better or worse. I am finding that much of what we do is exactly the same but we call things different names and may have different ideas about why these things are happening. Now, I'm not talking about the current push in our national organization to focus on social issues or inclusivity or anything like that - I think those discussions are important, but they are a bit removed from client services. I am talking about client services here - how we do what we...