Small Things Can Lead to Bigger Things

I mean, this title isn't a huge revelation for anyone, but I find I have to remind myself of things like this when I am overwhelmed or awash in emotion and all that, so I remind myself. Small things can lead to bigger things.

I took an origami project from a student when it was offered to me. It is displayed on my office bulletin board because it will not stick to my cabinets. I also took a snowflake project from another student that will be placed on one of my displays in my room. Taking a project is a small thing. Placing it in a place where it is displayed to all that arrive is a small thing, but the trust and relationship that can be built from these small things is a much larger thing. Those students, who will see my collection of artwork that they are part of, will know that I enjoy having their presence as much as I enjoy seeing their artwork every single day.

This type of thought about others is important and seems to be sadly lacking these days. I have been pretty me-focused lately, but I am looking for opportunities to be other-focused. I know, Janice, and I am focused on you, I promise!! Culture-centered music therapy will be my next textbook purchase so we can talk about it... 

A little time to consider how others will be affected by big time decisions is a small thing that can help avoid bigger issues later on...

I had a breakdown at work yesterday morning before clients arrived. It all had to do with yet another significant change pushed upon us with little to no communication or warning that it was coming. I walked in to find that our entire student body was being shuffled into new classrooms. These classes were still segregated by student type - day or resident - but the classes themselves would not support the current school schedule which requires that we keep our day students in the afternoons in shared areas (like mine) so that we can have appropriate environmental precautions for our residents. These changes meant that we were either abandoning our precautions or that my schedule would have to change AGAIN! I sent off a rather hysterical email to the administrators asking for clarification to be told that the changes weren't going to happen and that we would be mixing students up again and returning to our "regular schedule" in February.

My question? What is our "regular schedule?"

No answer because no one knows what is "regular" these days.

One small question may affect how everything is done from now on. Doubtful, but you never know.


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