Another Music Therapist Pivot in COVID-19 Times

I am getting ready to head into work in about 90 minutes. In the past week, COVID-19 has arrived at my long-term residential facility, and we are facing yet another series of changes in how we care for the clients in our care. I turned on my phone to find nine messages from work about an upcoming faculty meeting and the news that all students will be learning virtually. I am not sure what that means - in the recent past, we have only done paper packets which is not all that suitable for music therapy, but I know we will find a plan and will continue to engage with our clients in the ways we have to in order to keep going. I awoke this morning after an anxiety dream where one of my clients grabbed me and then started biting my broken fingers. When I started myself awake (in the dream, I was trying to get away from the client), my fingers were fine, there was no pain, and I was just wide 2:45am. No going back to sleep for me. This is not an uncommon way of waking for me, espec...