Looking for Inspiration

I have been wasting a bit of time staring at my computer this morning wondering what to write about on this morning. There isn't much that is sparking my interest right now, but I will find something if I natter on enough.

My morning started at the new 3am, and I had to try to convince the cat that I really didn't have to get up to put new food into her bowl as soon as I opened my eyes. We will go through this routine for several weeks until she realizes that I am going to be stubborn about this. It was nice to be able to keep my eyes closed and just breathe into the morning rather than having to get up and get going immediately. I enjoy this time of year. I am an early bird, so having an extra hour at the beginning of the day is something that I like. I felt ready to get up and start the rest of the routine after breathing for 90 minutes. I am tired this morning, but that is pretty routine these days.

Tomorrow, there will be some strangers in my home, fixing the water damage from the apartment above mine. Tonight, I have to move things from my hallway into the kitchen and the living room so the sheet rockers have space to work. This is a good opportunity to do a bit of organizing and clearing out. I may even be able to get rid of a shelving unit after this afternoon.

Today, I have supervision with my two interns, observe them leading a group each, and then lead the one group that I have of my very own. My administrator told me that the student store would be moving out of my room shortly, so I am making plans for how to use the space and time that will be opened up by that move. I am thinking of a recording studio and a place to keep the drum set assembled so we can lock it away from wandering hands and also pull it out into the main room when we need it for group sessions. There will be a place to put all the Orff instruments that are currently stored in the intern office, so the interns will have more space for their needs. I may even be able to switch some of my storage into the former store space because I think that some of the storage containers that are currently in there will stay in there. I haven't been told when all of these changes will be happening, so I am just waiting for the process to occur. Once it happens, I will be able to move forward with my own plans.

For now, though, I need to figure out how to catch up after a week of illness and wrong medications and all that. I am hoping that this past week was the last time that I have to take off for a long while. In 2019, I ended up missing three weeks of November due to gallbladder surgery. I know that can't happen this time because my gallbladder is no longer present, but I am a bit hesitant about what else can go wrong in my body. I am hoping that I can avoid any sort of surgery this year - I mean, two broken fingers is enough to have to deal with in the middle of a global pandemic and a contentious election season and a severe urinary/kidney infection and you name it. At the moment, I am feeling much better than I did at this time last week. I am hoping this feeling better thing will continue.

The best thing about today is that it is the start of a new work month. This will be the first time that I have been present for the entire month (fingers crossed) of November because I have usually been at conference for a good part of the month. Last year, I did not go to conference, and I will not be attending this year, either, so I hope to be around for the entire month. My plans to be there the entire month last year were interrupted by gallbladder things, but that cannot happen again. If anything does happen, it won't be gallbladder! My interns are attending the virtual conference, so I also get the opportunity to be therapist with their groups again. Also, I have two more weeks in the splints before I move into the rehabilitation phase of my finger recovery. I have no idea what that will entail, but I am looking forward to seeing if I can craft and musick again. It has been a long stretch of not playing instruments, and it is not easy. Anyway, that should be resolving in a bit of time. As I mentioned yesterday, I am in a pretty up swing of my emotional cycle, so I am feeling optimistic about the month. I set a goal to not sit down and set goals during my up cycle this month to see if I can accomplish more goals when I am planning in my down cycle. So, I put goal planning on my calendar for the 15th.

I am ready to start the rest of my work preparation routine and get out the door. I have treats for the interns and Clorox wipes in my needed scent - anything else leads me into asthma attacks. I will spend my morning talking to the interns, and then I will spend my afternoon watching and doing therapy. After bus duty, I will start boxing things in my office - things that I don't need any more that I can load into my car and toss or put back into my inventory. That's the plan. Let's hope that the energy needed to complete these plans will be there.

That's it for this "nothing" post. Have a great day.


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