Time To Set Some Goals

It is November 14th, and it is almost time for me to set my goals for the month. If you are a regular reader, then you already know that I spent a bit of time towards the beginning of the month trying to figure out why I don't get much done on my monthly goals. (If you are new here, you might want to check out this post to get a bit of a reference for why I am setting goals for the 15th to the 14th.) I decided to try something different this month, so here it goes!

My primary goal for this next month is to shift some work that is currently happening on Saturdays to weekdays so I can have a day of rest. 

I work a full-time job and three part-time jobs. Two of the part-time jobs have limited time constraints, but one is a church position which mean that I work on Sunday mornings. I never really have a weekend to myself because I spend time on Saturdays with the other two part-time jobs and now I am having to produce a weekly Sunday School video for the small members of the congregation. As of yesterday, our church has been closed to the congregation, so now I have to figure out how I can either fit in additional recordings (without being able to accompany myself due to broken fingers) or figure out what I need to do to maintain my own safety in this period of rising virus infection. My full-time job has not changed as of this moment, but I would be surprised if we make it to Winter Break without changing to limited interactions and quarantining our clients from the rest of the world like we had to in March.

My secondary goal for the time period of November 15-December 14 is to get ready for the holidays.

I decided last month that I will be staying here for Christmas - something that I rarely do. I usually travel to California to spend a week with my family, but that seems too risky right now and California doesn't want me to come without quarantining, and I can't do that. So, I decided to disappoint my family members (at least, some of them) and let them know that my holiday would have to be a distant one. So, I have to coordinate all my presents and get them sent to California so my family members can open them during the holidays. Every package needs to be on its way by the 18th of December so it can get there. I am going to strive for the 14th.

My last goal is the same as always - GET RID OF CLUTTER!

Ugh. I had to move things from the hallway some time ago to accommodate some repairs that had to happen, and while I enjoy the open space that moving revealed, all the stuff that was there is now sitting in the center of my living room. Therefore, I have to spend time decluttering and making the decision to throw things away - these are never easy decisions for me, but it has to happen! There you go.

Three goals. That is doable. I'm going to keep telling myself that as I go through the rougher parts of my month. It is almost time for my emotional lability stage - I'm almost there because I am crying at EVERYTHING these days. The worst days are the ones where I am just angry about everything. Hopefully that won't happen until Thanksgiving break when I will be at home and away from others!!

Thank you for coming along with me on my goal journey. Here's a picture of my bullet journal spread for next week - I am trying trackers again, and there is a tip out card with my goals written out in more detail than on the page!

I'll do an update around the first. Hope to "see" you here around then, if not before!! 


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