Count Your Blessings

I am a movie fanatic.

This manifests itself in a large library of DVDs and Blu-ray discs, lots of soundtracks in my music library, and countless hours spent watching movies when I should (goblin!) be doing something else. I use the excuse that I need something going on in the background when I am working, and music is too distracting to my concentration. Movies fit the bill, especially when I know them by heart...and I know lots of movies by heart!

I am especially drawn to old musicals. You know the ones - the big productions of the 50's and 60's that included lots of singing and dancing. I love those, but I think my favorites are the ones from the 40's. I love just about anything with Bing Crosby in it, and he was in two of my favorites, White Christmas and Holiday Inn.

In both of those movies, the song, White Christmas, is featured, but that song isn't my favorite for either movie. In Holiday Inn, I love "I've Got Plenty to Be Thankful For," and my second favorite song in White Christmas, after the WONDERFUL song, "Sisters," is "Count Your Blessings."

Both of these songs are easy to sing, and I love the message behind both of them. Both songs were written by Irving Berlin, and I would love to share them with a group of people who actually know them. My clients aren't really all that interested in the abstract thoughts behind the songs, even when I put my heart and soul into the performance. Oh well.

For me, though, both of these songs focus on an attitude of acknowledging the gifts of life in a thankful manner. These songs have been good reminders for me as I am in isolation due to exposure to the virus ravaging our nation and an uncertain job future. There is plenty to be thankful for, and I am counting my blessings one by one.

You are one.

Thank you for being here. 


  1. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Love! You didn't do right by me...

    �� Janice Lindstrom


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