Generating Content - Things to Think About in This Age of Music Therapy

Yesterday, I spent my morning attending a series of webinar trainings offered by the Kansas Department of Education and our local Public Broadcasting Service stations all about things to think about when making video content for educational purposes. It was an interesting morning and went over many of the things that I've encountered over the years that I've been making content for music therapists. It inspired me to try some more stuff, so keep an eye out on the blog and the website for information about new videos... I found myself thinking about the discussions that I heard yesterday up to and through my sleeping last night. I ruminated on one thing that was mentioned by one of the presenters - content should be only about 4-5 minutes long for each segment. I started thinking about Sesame Street and how this rule was definitely part of their programming and then wondered if it was due to the attention span of young viewers or if the Street had programmed young viewers to wan...