TME Tuesday - Looking Back Over 2014

It is Winter Break, so I am kinda flaking when it comes to writing this week. I'll get better next week, I'm sure. Wait, who am I kidding?? I tried several times to write yesterday, but I think I'll get going today. We shall see.

Where do you get your ideas for how to engage your clients in music therapy experiences? I get mine from a variety of sources, including interns, clients, shopping, my family, Pinterest, blog posts, and books. Lots of books. The best source that I have, however, is you. Each and every music therapist out there sparks my creativity.

Sometimes, my creative response is sparked by thinking, "My students would like to do this in this way." Sometimes it's spurred on by "I don't have a kokiriko, but I do have three guiros." Other times, my creative impulse is started by a specific client - one who sits in front of me and needs something that I've never had to address before. Here is a list of the Therapeutic Music Experiences (TMEs) that I've posted this year. I hope they spark something for you!

Song Switch -
The Future -
Do What I Do -
I Have An Apple -
On A Roll -
Passing Game -
Cooperative Music Course -
Waiting Is Hard to Do -

The Locomotion -
We're On Our Way -
Elimination -
Mystery Song -

I have many more, but these are the ones that showed up on the feed for Therapeutic Music Experiences. If you want more ideas, check out the label, TME Tuesday. Anyway, if you are looking for ideas, use these to spark your creativity with your clients. Let me know what kinds of things you do with these ideas - your ideas will spark my own new ideas, and on it goes...

Happy Tuesday!


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