TME Tuesday - We're On Our Way

I am always on the lookout for new opening and closing songs. I use both openings and closings with my clients because I find them to be good times for assessing how folks are doing and where I want to go with them. This one is called We're On Our Way. I use an upbeat tempo and strum pattern to motivate my clients to leave the room and go back to their classrooms...


Purpose: To provide musical support during transition to class; motivation to leave session; to illustrate immediate expectations for behavior modification; to encourage impulse control through continuing music stimulation

Source: Original song written during Room 9 session. © June 22, 2010 by Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC

Materials: Guitar; body percussion source

Environment: Moving down hallway from one location to another

Song/Chant/Words: We’re On Our Way – MIDI file; We’re On Our Way - .pdf file
I                     IV                           I
We’re on our way back to Room ni-i-ine.
                       V                           I
We’re on our way back to Room ni-i-ine.
I                     IV                           I
We’re on our way back to Room ni-i-ine.
                       V                 I
We’re on our way back to Room nine.

Procedure: R = Reinforcement opportunities; C = Redirection/Cue opportunities; A = Assessment
  1. Start singing song with clients in group area
  2. C= cue specific line orders or groups of clients through changing words to the song to accommodate situations (e.g., “Line up Mary Jane, it’s time to stand in line… etc.)
  3. R= if clients add suggestions or sing along, reinforce responses by imbedding verbal reinforcements into song lyrics
  4. Continue singing until clients have completed the transition or until the situation changes and music is contraindicated

Therapeutic Function of Music: Music provides structure and stimulation offering a continuation of levels of arousal initiated in a previous setting. The song format is upbeat, repetitive, and easy to sing encouraging client participation across the continuum of active to passive participation. The lyrics are easily changed allowing the therapist to communicate information in a musical manner sustaining neural involvement and entrainment.

  • Change elements of music to accommodate client behaviors/information

  • Use song for other transitions or for changes in activities in places other than the music room
  The TME and the sheet music is posted on my website,, on the Ideas and Experiences page.

Thanks for reading!


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