Going on a Squeegee Hunt

One of the songs that I sang over and over and over again as a song leader in Girl Scouts was "Going on a Squeegee Hunt." Now, you may be wondering what a "squeegee" is - good question! It is an imaginary creature that was probably invented by some obscure girl scout in Southern California many, MANY years ago!

Anyway, similar to the traditional children's song of "Going on a Lion/Bear/Tiger Hunt," the song takes you through a sequential process over, under, around, and through various obstacles towards a goal.

Today, as I am sitting here writing, I am thinking about the poor squeegee being hunted. It is just in its cave, trying to do its squeegee things without interruption, when suddenly, BOOM! Some Girl Scout arrives to poke it! The poor squeegee does what it can - it jumps up and chases the Girl Scout all the way home!!

This has not been a good work week. It is amazing how people will make mountains out of molehills. Here is the deal. I sent out an email to the global distribution list asking people to think about the detrimental effect of scents in the workplace. I have asthma and have had several attacks which coincide with the increase of use of Scentsy pots and aerosal air fresheners in the past two months in my work area. I requested that folks at work consider the people who react strongly to such scents when they start their scent stuff. It was received well by people who share my scent difficulties, and it was received negatively by the Director of Human Resources of the facility. She stated that I had no right to send out an email on the global distribution list without having that email checked by my supervisor first.

I am now the target of a hunt where I feel that people are making up things in a way to reprimand me for violating nonexistent policies. There are no policies that outline appropriate and inappropriate use of the email global distribution list. I was called into my principal's office at the end of the day and was handed a "Memo of Understanding." She stated it was not a written reprimand, but it was. She required my signature before she would talk about the scents present in the environment. I requested a copy of the policy that I had violated. She did not have it. I refused to sign, and she terminated the discussion without addressing the other issue. I went about my duties without saying anything else.

There will be times in your professional life where you will be the hunter and other times when you will be the huntee. I am currently feeling like the prey - hunted rather than being able to move freely. I feel confident that this fight will not be easy, but that I have specific rights as an employee that are being violated that are covered by personnel policies. The lesson here - KNOW YOUR FACILITY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES VERY WELL!

Read your policies and procedures. Review those policies on a regular basis. Use them to your advantage, and stick to the right path!

Thanks for letting me vent. Things will be better.


The Squeegee


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