Changing Places - Well. Not Really...

Does anyone else remember the television show, Changing Places ? It was on HGTV for a time in the 2000s (I think - it might have been at another time, but I am too lazy to switch to a new tab and find out). I used to love watching that show. Friends would work with interior designers to refresh a portion of each others' houses - all in secrecy and with interesting results. I was always opinionated about what they were doing in the spaces, so I enjoyed watching. I am not changing places right now. I have left one part-time job, so I have a bit of extra time that I have not had since 1998. For some reason, though, I keep thinking about this show. (I might be getting sick - constant rumination on very narrow, very specific topics is one of my body's ways of showing me that germs are taking over my life.) I keep thinking about how you expect something to turn out but that things often go out of your realm of imagination when you bring in other people into the equation. My life is n...