Saturday: I'm Leaving My House...On Purpose!

Picture of a visual schedule board featuring a caterpillar drawing. The caption of the schedule board states, "Write down option and check box when task is completed." (or something like that - I can't see the caption while writing this information...
I am doing something that I rarely do during my breaks from my job as a school-based music therapist - I am leaving my house for a craft class!

I signed up for this craft class back in June for a July class, but the instructor broke her elbow and had to reschedule. This is the day, so I am looking forward to going to make something new with people (hopefully, more than just me there!) who share some of my interests in paper and making books. I know the business owner makes the types of books that I like to make, but who knows if there will be others??

I certainly hope so.

I have two and a half hours before the class starts, and my time anxiety is already starting. I will go get gas for the car, breakfast for me, and then sit in the parking lot until the store actually opens. I will bring a small bag of my personal favorite crafting items, and I will bring some money for shopping as well!

The last time I tried something like this, I ended up being the only person who showed up for the class. I felt awkward as the only person, so I REALLY hope that there are a couple of other people at this class. I also would like to make some new acquaintances who enjoy making things with paper. The book that we will be making is not something that I would reach for to purchase, but the materials are something new, so I will learn something if nothing else.

That is the best thing about taking classes - the learning something new.

Today's class involves acetate pages as well as chipboard. I have never worked with acetate before, so that is the part of learning something new that is happening today.

I do not go to in-person learning opportunities very often. The advent of online courses has been the best thing for me to keep learning from my home, but there are times when you need to be in community with actual people. This is a community that I would like to inhabit, but I have difficulty getting into those communities naturally. Hence, the class is a convenient way to get started - if anyone else shows up!!

I hope to have pictures of my completed project tomorrow, but who knows what I will end up doing for the rest of today? I have gathered my crafting accoutrements, but I am still getting stressed about whether I will have enough or whether I will have too much...

What do I wear? How do I do my hair? Should I pack a lunch? Will it take the entire six hours that it is scheduled to take? TOO MUCH TO STRESS ABOUT!!!

I now have two hours until the start of the class. I am going to make myself stay downstairs until one hour before the start time to help me arrive at a decent time rather than at a very early arrival. I have a silly lunch box to pack my things in, and I hope that is something quirky and not weird. Writing about this is causing me to get all sorts of jumpy, so I will sign off for now... 


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