A Stack of Laminated Visuals - Here We Go - Day Eight

I have tried to write the past two days - I really have, but things have not worked out the way I thought it would happen. I just found myself becoming bored with what I was writing about. No reason to continue when that happens, so I just stopped.

I have six days (including today) before I head back to my hot music therapy clinic to start the 2024-2025 school year. I have a doctor's appointment and a crafting class in those six days (I am trying to remember that I have that crafting class on Saturday - I've prepaid, so I don't want to miss it!). Other than finishing up six of the seven books that I borrowed from the library, I have little to nothing else to do until work starts back up.

Yesterday, I finished laminating most of the materials that I made recently. The file folders are not laminated because I accidentally bought the wrong type of laminating film and it is not working well with the laminators that I have here at home. I will figure out how to make it work once I take the new pouches back to work and try laminating them with my other laminators. In the meantime, I have to make a new order of pouches to get my laminating supplies topped off before I start the new year of making things.

I am getting ready for this new school year by making things.

I printed off a bunch a error-less song folders, made large and small versions of them, and now all the pieces are sitting in that pile, waiting for me to get started cutting things out. I will be putting together the mini versions once I get back to work. I have an entire day of professional development to get through, so I will have some time to sit and listen and cut things out. In all honesty, I bet I will finish this up before I get to work, but I have plenty of things to do there for other classes. I have been slacking off on my task box creation, but that is going to change this fall. I have lots of time on Friday afternoons to make different activities for use in other classes.

I have (so far) resisted the siren call of school supply shopping. Will that resistance last? Doubtful because I LOVE school supplies! There is nothing better than buying new pens to write with, and I LOVE THEM ALL! As a result of my LOVE for school supplies, I am avoiding stores with aisles of them to walk through because I DO NOT NEED ANYTHING! I need nothing at all. I need nothing. I do not need anything at all. (Perhaps the repetition will allow me to embody the thought??) 

Today is supposed to be Fun Friday. I have nothing really fun happening, but I will be finishing up a book and then heading to the library for the next round of things to read. I will turn in six of the seven books that I have checked out right now. I want to get the first in a series (I got the second in the series, and I want to start it off right), and then I found a mystery series that I want to continue. I anticipate that I will get nine books this time around because I will take a bit more time reading through the books once I get back to work. I should be able to read through ten books by the end of the month, even with my work schedule.

I have a grocery order to pick up this afternoon which will require me to leave my home, check the tree for downed branches, and get my mail from the mailbox. Between now and then, I have no plans other than to get some breakfast and publish this post. Time to get going.

Happy Friday, all. 


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