The Last Day of the Year

It is the last day of 2022, and I am ready to finish this year. I was talking to my mother last night about our traditional New Year's Eve traditions. We fall into bed and trust that the calendar year will change without us. We, occasionally, stay up until the new year has reached our continent, but we don't do that very often. A wild New Year's Eve at my house includes some ginger ale and watching movies until 9pm! 2022 brought lots of physical changes to my body and lots of new challenges for me. I now have slipped discs, sciatica, mild sleep apnea, lots of new medications, and physical therapy exercises - I really should be doing those more often... I found some renewed creativity and interest in things that I had eschewed. I have shifted some things around in my priority list. I have contemplated my future - lots and lots - and I have decided what no longer works for me, and I am releasing those things into the universe. There you go. My word for this year was "dee...