TME Tuesday: Taking a Song

Do you ever hear a song and think, "that would make a GREAT experience with ____. How can I use it in a session?" I had that experience yesterday with a client who loves all things Pokemon, Mario Brothers, and other things - this particular client always surprises me with session topics and I never know what is coming.

Anyway, we started talking about chain chomps because that was what we needed to talk about. I know nothing about the Mario Brothers or Pokemon or any of that stuff - I've decided not to devote too many brain cells to these things since they have very little to do with my daily life. I am always willing to learn, though, so I learned about chain chomps yesterday at the end of the day. I found the musical theme from the game, and then my TME thoughts started churning.

At this point, my TME idea includes some motor planning, some directed listening, and some attempts to sneak past a chain chomp. I might make an actual chain to rattle as part of our game - just gotta think about five other ways to use that chain in order to keep it as part of my session materials in my limited space. I wonder if a plastic chain would make a good, we could get the plastic chain link things and then we could also embed some fine motor work into the TME - assembling the chain as a group.

The idea is starting to come together. I have to learn the chain chomp theme to keep the theme of the TME going. I wonder if I could also teach clients to play the theme on the xylophone during the game to increase the need for concentration and joint attention...

The best thing about TME development, at least for me, is that ideas never end. I might start with one concept that then morphs into an entire session's worth of TMEs. When the ideas come so fast that I cannot contain them in my TME format, that means that the idea is something to be pursued. I need to get out my TME idea book and get these ideas down!

Time to get my stuff together and start a new series of sing about songs - thematic packets. The first one is cats because I love cats, but the second edition might be video game adaptations. I have plenty of ideas for Mario Brothers right now.

Sorry that this is another short post - I am very busy and less inclined to hop out of bed really early these days, so my departure times come more quickly. Today, in addition to working, I have to get money from the bank, gas for the car, and some holiday shopping for my intern and my friends that I will not see after tomorrow (probably). I am also looking for some more presents for my family members before the holiday, but I have two entire days to get those put together. I have to get the rest of the gifts together for today and tomorrow because a storm is coming. (I can feel that as well in every joint in my back and legs...) It is time to get going. See you soon. 


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