Wednesdays, Am I Right?


The last work Wednesday of the calendar year is upon me, and I am MORE than ready! I have four groups and then the Holiday Sing to get through before a faculty meeting where I anticipate that my boss will tell us all that we will NOT come in tomorrow for our training day due to the coming winter storm and we WILL come in on the day that we originally thought we were going to get off - January 3rd. That's what I anticipate. I was supposed to go to a potluck for the outgoing pastor this evening, but that has been postponed to an unknown date. The brownies that I baked for today's work cookie exchange and for the potluck are now up for grabs. I'll spend time in the next three days eating brownies and whatever cookies others bring to this cookie exchange thing today.

Yesterday was a typical crappy pre-holiday school day. I got bit by a client who obviously knew better and had the audacity to then scrape my flesh from the teeth that had connected with me. I now have a gnarly bruise and a huge resentment towards this client at the moment. The good news is that I do not have to see this client any place except for the Holiday Sing today. This client usually gets dyad therapy on Wednesday afternoons, but that has been canceled due to the rigors of the Sing. That client would not be invited after biting me. You don't get more music when you do not engage in music to begin with. It's just a little rule I have.

So, now I get to go into the cold world with only one plate of brownies to share with others while getting ready to hunker down for a couple of days. I am really hoping that I will not have to go anywhere tomorrow. It would be nice to be able to stay put and just watch the snow come down and down and down. I need to pack and organize and just plain old figure out what I need to get done in the next three days.

I spent some of my money and bought a mini laptop to take with me various places. It is so cute, and will fit into about the same space as my Kindle tablet. I like being able to find one device to take the place of three. It is blue. That just makes my heart happy for some reason. When I was setting it up yesterday, I thought about my Dad and how much he loved all things computer. He would have absolutely marveled at this little thing that can do so much and is so little. That was a great remembrance and one that made me cry and laugh at the same time. Dad would have taken hold of this device and checked out all the bells and whistles. He would have scoffed at the storage (it's not something to be used away from the cloud), but he would have loved the idea of access to things from wherever, whenever. He would have also loved the cost - with two TB of removable storage, the whole thing cost me $200. So, my little computer is almost all the way set up and ready to go with me to the aforementioned inservice day that is looming. I will be able to work on my projects while I listen to IEP requirements that I am not allowed to use - I will look like I am taking notes, but I will be actually working on my own things... there you go.

Four groups. Holiday Sing. Faculty meeting and then coming home to rest and relax for the rest of the week before heading home. At least, I hope that's the plan... we will see after the faculty meeting, but I cannot imagine that the message will be anything else.

Happy Wednesday, and if you are, like me, heading off to do school sessions, may you be blessed with students leaving early for the holidays and with limited difficulties. 


  1. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Be blessed with early release as well.


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