Best Laid Plans

Well, I should be dashing through an airport right now, but I'm not. I got caught up in the winter storm cancellation brou-ha-ha, and I am sitting here, in my home, and trying to figure out if I will actually get a chance to get to California this calendar year. My July trip had to be cancelled due to covid - I got it for the first time a week before the trip was scheduled. It was disappointing then, and it is doubly so now.

I am thankful, though, and am grasping that sense of gratitude to navigate all the feelings that are present right now.

I am thankful that I was able to get home before my medications took over. I am thankful that I am not sitting in the middle of the Atlanta airport, wondering. I have a working furnace (hooray!), and two working toilets, so things are looking pretty good here...except that I don't have anything prepared to eat. Time to thaw some stuff so I can feed myself.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am feeling sorry for myself and am not happy about not getting home, but I have exhausted every single option and found that there are no flights out until Tuesday or Wednesday. That would mean less time to be with my family, and I do not have the energy to fly in for two days of time and then having to fly back. I just don't. So, I am trying really hard to be grateful that I am safe, warm, and at home rather than sitting in an airport, surrounded by lots of people who are angry and indignant that the airline would have the AUDACITY to inconvenience them! I don't need that, either.

I am trying to contact Delta to get information, but the wait time is about an hour and a half to text with a "Specialist." That's better than being on hold for FIVE hours!

I am disappointed. I am exhausted. I am not very happy with my situation, but I cannot change my situation easily, so it is better to be looking for good things than to wallow.

I am still in the throes of my medication side effects, and probably will be for another 3-4 hours. This just means that I have to very careful when I walk from one place to another. There goes the furnace, so I think I will go upstairs and make some grits for breakfast. That is something I can do without standing too long.

Sending out happy vibes into the universe...

Be safe, and be gentle with people who are not responsible for the situations around you.

Merry Christmas. 


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