Synthesis Sunday: Yet Again...

Why do I even try? I am obviously not into reading for my professional development, so why bother with this charade week after week? I don't know. Perhaps my time would be better spent on other endeavors this upcoming year. I do want the knowledge and information included in the books and articles that I can access, but I am not all that motivated to do the reading. I don't get much feedback here on this blog, so I am not sure if others care what I do or not. Then again, I don't write my blog for others - it's primary purpose is for me, so maybe I should [goblin] keep going with the idea of reading for professional development...

The problem is that it does me no good to have this as a quest if I am uninterested...and I am mostly uninterested. What would make me more interested? Probably only having to do it for a grade. I read during college, but I am not all that interested in reading all by myself. So, does anyone want to do some reading and talking with me?


Time to change the thread of all of this since I am to prone to wallowing this season and just want to find something good. I decided to spend some of my PayPal money on a small laptop and some mirco SD storage so I can still blog and work on projects when I am away from my home. I made a decision to purchase a desktop computer the last time I made an electronics upgrade, but I am planning on doing some more presentations this year, and I prefer my own computer to trying to rely on someone else's tech to do what I need. So, I am going cloud-based and will be seeing what types of things I can do with a new gadget. It's a mini gadget, so that will be fun, but it has a keyboard which is one of my non-negotiables. I have a tablet already, so I don't need another one - I need a computer. It's blue (only because it was about $75 cheaper to get the blue one for some reason).

I have to go to Walmart this afternoon to get my medication refills. I am not looking forward to navigating the holiday crowds, but I have no choice. So, off I will go to the pharmacy to pick up my refills so I am able to go where my heart leads me. In the meantime, I have to get myself to work and then back again. I have four days of work ahead of me, one day off with only a Zoom consultation with my intern, and then it is Christmas Eve. I have a late service (I am usually in bed at the time that this service starts) and then a trip!!

Before my trip, I have lots of things to do.

I have to finish up my summer to winter clothing conversion. I have to pack my bag. I have to finish my holiday gifts. I have to bake brownies for a cookie exchange at work. I have to lead the Holiday Sing. I have to keep asking for my years of service recognition since the yahoos at work FORGOT ME AGAIN! I have to figure out timers and weather patterns and all that stuff. Good times.

I am just nattering away here...and, it is time to rescue my vacuum which keeps shutting the door to its room and then just cleaning the carpet in that small room. I think I will turn Huey off since I can't seem to give him enough space to do his job at the moment. I recently took the shelving out of the closet and moved it into the hallway which made the rest of the stuff in the room move around. The robot can't deal with this. Never mind, I hear him upstairs, so he got himself out of his room and is heading into the living room. Just goes to show that when you make assumptions...and all that.

It is time to start this day. I have to lead O Holy Night as a congregational hymn with new lyrics this morning. I am not looking forward to it. Oh well.

Time to get going. I am also going to get breakfast. See you later - probably not next Sunday, but who knows??


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