Circuits and Levers and Everything All at Once, Oh My!

Surprise! I was all ready to go to work yesterday morning when my electricity went kaput. This was on top of the lever that runs from outside the toilet to the flapper inside the toilet that flushes things breaking the night before and an interrupted night of sleep due to body functions (no more details, I promise) and a pretty gnarly thunderstorm. All of a sudden, the socket where I have my modem plugged in, the computer plugged in, and the wall of lights for my living room and kitchen just stopped. That was all. Only the socket and those particular lights. Everything else worked fine, but those things just stopped. I learned a couple of things about myself yesterday. First of all, I have to have internet access to contact my management company. Fortunately, I just moved plugs across the room to different outlets to get the modem up and running again. Second, my home is NEVER drop-in ready. I had to spend some time getting things picked up so that the electrician could acc...