
I've harped on my need to get into my morning routine enough on this blog that the recurring theme is bringing me down. Let's just say that my routine is not as firmly established as I would like it to be - translation: I'm reverting back to my habit of arriving at work very early and leaving late - lots of unpaid time spent at work...

I haven't spent much time at my crafting desk lately, and it is part of the routine that I had really started to enjoy.

I have two mornings left of this workweek, and I want to do something creative and get my routine back where I want it to be. For now, though, I have to take my shower so I am ready to leave my home at my (shudder) later time.

Time is something that causes me anxiety. It's silly to want to make sure that I am not late that I get places very early. No one cares at my work if I'm on time except for my interns. They care. No one else. Sure, we have badges that log when we access the building, but no one ever checks or really cares when we arrive. We are professionals, expected to spend 8 hours per day at work. I end up spending about 9-9.5 hours a day there with my early arrival and my late ending times (I do those so my interns can be finished in 7 calendar months instead of having to stay longer).

What is it about your ways of doing things that challenges you? I know that I can do more for myself than what I am doing now, but I am having challenges with the anxiety that comes from leaving later than I feel comfortable. I'm having to spend lots of time engaged in self-soothing and calming activities - telling myself that on time is actually not a bad thing - it is what is expected.

I've been thinking lots and lots about systems and how I do things lately. It is time for some changes in my life. I'll keep you updated...

For now, though, I am going to take my shower (part of my routine), and then sit down for some time at the craft desk. It really needs to be straightened up a bit before any real crafting can be done, but that is part of the whole creative process, isn't it?


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