Daily Happiness, The Heavy-Duty Medications, and Sleeping the Day Away!

It is time for my mini-break, and my bass allergy voice has arrived, right on schedule! I am currently sitting upright (this is taking LOTS of effort), in my pajamas because the cat insisted on being fed. I took a half dose of the heavy-duty medications last night, and it has thrown me into my acclimatization pattern - drowsiness, dizziness, and difficulty with coordination. I am having a bit of difficulty with my fine motor coordination to type things - I've got all the letters, but they are NOT in the right order. I am having to backspace type quite a bit this morning, but that's what this day is all about - getting so I can breathe clearly again - AKA, the heavy duty medications!!

One of my morning routine elements is a daily happiness focus on my personal Facebook page. I try really hard to find something to be happy about, even on the days when happiness is elusive to me. It is a practice that I've done for a bit over a year now, and I think it has helped me be a bit more positive in my frustrated times. Today's post included the following:
Daily Happiness: My medications helped me to sleep in this morning, and I didn't HAVE to get up at all! I'm going to spend this day in my pajamas and then at the combination Maundy Thursday/Good Friday service this evening. All of my women choir members are in the throes of severe allergies, so our singing will be interesting.
One of the things that I find myself asking (on a regular basis) is, "Is this really happiness or is it snarkitude masking itself as happy statements?" I am a sarcastic person, so there are times when the snark emerges - even when I don't want it to! I try to keep as much of my snarky thoughts out of the daily happiness focus as I possibly can, but there are times when it comes out anyway.

As a music therapist, I find that my penchant for snarky and sarcastic comments is not something I can access very often. My clients do not respond well to sarcasm, so it is not something that I encourage. With some clients, I can use it as a tool - IF I overemphasize the entire thing. I go into my ultra-sarcastic persona and then it works - but only with specific clients.

Today, though, I am too tired for snarky comments or thinking much more deeply. I just bought some Nina Simone, so I think I'll just listen to Feeling Good a bit (I LOVE that song - all of the therapeutic elements just coalesce into a triumphant piece of music), and then go to sleep - again - until it is time to start getting ready for tonight's combined Maundy Thursday/Good Friday service at my church job. Maybe my voice will be more of a soprano/alto timbre than its current bass timbre by then. Since all my female singers are currently in the throes of the same allergy funk, we need someone who can hit a higher note. If all else fails, I'll save my voice for that note!

I'm going back to bed. See you on the other side of this acclimatization! 


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