Returning to the Day-To-Day Routine

It is time to return to my regular routine of work, home, work. The Midwestern region conference is over, Holy week hasn't started yet, and it is time to move back into my every day schedule. We now have to spend time getting ready for the graduation ceremony happening at the end of this spring semester and that's about all I have to plan for at work. Home stuff, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated. I have lots of things that I have to do between now and May 24th (the last day of school for the regular school session).

Since it is time to get back into my regular routine, I am going to start with my morning routine again. I've started leaving earlier than I need to leave so I am arriving at work way earlier than I want to be there. It is time to focus on what was working so well before our winter of snow days. I am going to track my leaving and arrival times again - that seemed to work well for making sure that I was on track and getting to work at my desired arrival time. It is also time to start being creative before leaving again. I like it when I create something every day. My major hurdle this morning to creating stuff is the lack of space on my crafting desk. I need to put things away before I start to create. So, that will be my creative process step for this morning - arranging and organizing.

I've been writing now for about 40 minutes, and all I have is two paragraphs. I've deleted many more paragraphs that just haven't really worked.

I'm starting to get to a place where I am able to think about the weekend and what went on during the session. I reconnected with a former intern of mine. It was good to see her and to find out where she is these days. I also spent time with a new friend that I met in Dallas last year and reconnected with in Kansas City. I follow her on Instagram, so it was nice to connect in person. I had several people stop me as I was moving from place to place and tell me that they were putting some of my ideas into place in their own lives. I have been sleeping pretty much all of the time that I haven't been working this weekend, and I'm hoping that the interruption of my sleep schedule will mean that I can stay up a bit later this evening after work.

One of the things that I always take away after conferences is that I do have important things to talk to other music therapists about and that I love giving presentations! I am increasing feeling a call to share more and more about what I love about this profession with other music therapists. I want to be giving more courses and presentations, and I am willing to go to the places that music therapists are to do these things!

I would like to share information with more music therapists out there in the world. Here's a plug for why you should consider me when you are looking for your continuing music therapy education needs.

I am a pre-approved provider for continuing music therapy education courses through CBMT. I am able to set up CMTE opportunities for organizations and groups of music therapists under my own approval.

I am an experienced online presenter. I can arrange for online interactions for groups and for individuals with easy registration and evaluation systems already in place. Online coursework is easy to arrange and doesn't require travel costs.

I love presenting live, and I enjoy traveling. If you feel that a live CMTE is better for your learning and your organization, I would be willing to travel to you to share the information that you want to know more about. I don't have much time, but I bet I can find a weekend that would work for your organization.

I have a variety of topics that I enjoy sharing with others, but most of them are about how we can do our jobs better. I'm not as interested in presenting on the research that I've done in the past, but I'd talk about that as well, if you really want to know about it.

Here's a list of some of the research and presentation topics that I feel confident to speak about to you!

  • AMTA Competencies and Internship Directors:  A survey of use.  American Music Therapy Association Sixth Annual National Conference, Austin, Texas, November 2004

    Landaker, M. J.  AMTA competencies and internship directors: A survey of use.

    Landaker, M. J.  Competency-based pre-internship clinical training in undergraduate studies in music therapy:  Design and implementation.

    Landaker, M. J.  Copyright issues and implications for music therapists.

    Landaker, M. J.  The effect of melody and rhythm on the sight word recognition of adolescents with developmental disabilities.

    Landaker, M. J.  Aspects of music to increase prelanguage communicative behaviors in children.

  • From Many to One: Challenges of Treating Individuals in Music Therapy Groups.
  • Double the Challenge: Working with Persons with Dual Diagnoses (Intellectual/Psychiatric Disorders).
  • Online Opportunities for Music Therapists’ Growth and Development: Developing Online Courses for Continuing Music Therapy Education.
  • Sing, Play, and Move:  Songwriting and Music Making for Music Therapists.
  • Writing Rock Solid Clinical Goals, Objectives, and Benchmarks: Keep It Simple… .
  • Becoming a More Research-Informed Clinician: An Advocacy Journey.
  • Therapeutic Music Experience Jam: Ideas for Young Adult Clients in Music Therapy.
  • More Than Lyric Analysis: Creative Interventions for Adolescents in Music Therapy.
  • A Student’s Guide to the AMTA Professional Competencies.
  • Abstract Concepts for Concrete Minds.
  • Everything in One Bag: File Folder Applications for Older Children and Adolescents.
  • Creative Activities to Engage Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities in Music Therapy Sessions.
  • One Instrument, One Client:  Designing Multiple, Goal-Based Applications with Limited Resources.
  • Music Therapy Applications for Persons with Severe and Profound Developmental Disabilities.
  • Refresh, Revamp, Renew:  Making the Same Old Music New Again.
  • Music Therapy Small Business:  From Dream to Reality.
  • Living Within the Law:  Copyright Legislation and the Music Therapist.
  • Heading Off to the Great Unknown:  Revealing the Mystery of Internship.
  • Songwriting Techniques for Music Therapists.
  • A Voyage to MMARS:  A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Problem-Solving and Discovery Learning (with Nancy Thomas).
  • Music From Marbles:  How to Make Unusual Instruments from Unusual Materials.
  • It Only Takes a Spark:  Songwriting Techniques for Music Therapists.
  • Practical Applications for Persons with Severe/Profound Developmental Disabilities (with Lillieth Cusick).
  • Applying for a National Roster Internship – Understanding the Process.
  • Supervising the National Roster Intern.
  • Make and Take: Music Therapy Session Boards.
  • Been There. Done That. Now What?: From Slump to Career Pivot.
  • The Common Core Standards in Education: How do Music Therapists Fit?
  • Music and Stress Management.
  • Music Therapy for Persons with Developmental Disabilities.
  • Music and Stress Management Training.
  • Sound Awareness.
I guess my return to the daily routine will include some planning for the future.
Let me know if you are interested in any of the topics above - I'm ready to go!
Comments, questions, and anything else you want to say are welcome here!


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