TME Tuesday: Not Feeling the Whole Writing Thing Today, To Be Honest...

So, let's just start off by saying that I really do not have a thought about what I will end up writing about this morning. I just need to kill some time because I will have to stay after school to finish up some things with my last intern, so I want to get to work on-time rather than early. I also have an additional hour of preparation time since we are still down one classroom space, so I have the time to take. Since I will be staying after my official 8 hours of time, I can justify the staying home a bit longer. Anyway, I do not really have anything in mind to write about, so here goes nothing! For session time fillers this week, I have gone deep into my TME compendium (database) for some inspiration. The thing is, TMEs come and go in the life of a music therapist. There are times when all I sing is one specific song and then it goes back into the vault until a later date. I have so many of my own songs in that state right now that I am enjoying the opportunity to bring them bac...