Sentimental Sunday: Post #145 - Let's Look WAY Back!

Sentimental Sunday – Graphic has mottled gray background with yellow spindly flowers coming from off-screen on both bottom corners. In script, there is the text, “Sentimental Sunday.” Under the title text, in smaller print, the text states, “” and -the URLs of the blog and the website.
Hello, there.

It is Sunday which means that it is time to step into my Way Back Machine and travel back to the days of November 2010. I wrote a whopping 3 posts that month, and had reached the big number of 147 posts by the end of 2010. Fast forward 13 years, and I am now writing my 3.209th post. This blog has really become a place for me to think "out loud" so to speak. 

Back in 2010, I was getting ready to start my tenure as chair of the Association Internship Approval Committee. I had been a member for some time, and it was time to start my time as chairperson. I loved everything about that job - the work with the AIAC members, communicating with internship personnel and with interns, helping to navigate conflicts between members of each clinical training team, and working with the Education and Training Advisory Board. Leaving that position was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but I am glad for the opportunity to have served in this position.

Check out the post here. It really isn't very long or deep, so it is a quick read. I apparently had just finished my first meeting as chair and was getting ready to head to another meeting. This is just a quick way to debrief and to get myself going before the next thing. 

My blog has functioned as many things over the years - journal, to-do list, information sharing for other music therapists, and just plain old place to rant about things that I want to change in the world. I tend to write more at this time in my life than I did back then, but seeing these early posts helps me to realize how much I have changed. 

As 2010 me, I had been an internship director for 12 years. I had been a music therapist for 17 years at this point. I worked at a job that I enjoyed (most of the time - same as now), and I was able to be part of internships all over the country. So much has happened to us all in the past thirteen years.

It is strange to think that I have been communicating in this particular way for seventeen years now. Of course, the first six years were not as full of posts as these years. My average number of posts per year is 189 posts. It took me five years to get to that point on this blog, but I tend to write more consistently now than then. Once I figured out what I could write about, I was able to start using this forum to put my music therapy voice out into the world beyond my computer.

I often do things that I want in my world. I present on topics that intrigue me because no one else seems to be talking about them. I write my blog because I crave some music therapy thoughts that I can access often. Most music therapy bloggers do not post as often as I want  - perhaps I can find a way to compile all sorts of music therapy posts compiled into one feed each morning to find some of the content that I crave. Since I cannot find it out in the world, I create it. For those of you who read my posts daily, thank you. For those of you who comment occasionally, thank you. For those of you who have just found me - I hope that you will stay for some time.

Happy Sunday, friends!


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