
Showing posts from September, 2015

Not Much Time Today for Blogging...

I typically like to arrive at my work about 30-45 minutes early, and I am running a bit late today, so there won't be much to this post. It's been an okay morning - the time crunch is coming from a task that I've not been able to do for my church job - the list of music for upcoming worship services. So, I started this project earlier and it's been a bit of a chore. I've got to get this finished, so just a bit of talk... I guess I'll be a bit later to work than I've been recently. I am still waiting to find out if I will be having surgery next week or not. It's dependent upon two things - a clear chest x-ray and the surgeon's okay. I don't have either of those things right now. My last group today is my most contentious group all of the time. I'm already dreading them. We'll see what happens this afternoon. See you tomorrow!

It's Tuesday, Isn't It...

I know I've posted this before, but I'm going to do it again. This is my process for writing TMEs... The first thing that you do is to focus all of the TMEs that you write on the primary goal. Ask yourself the following questions when you are developing a TME: How does this TME address impulse control? (Do students have to raise their hands for attention or a turn? Do students have to listen for a musical cue to respond? Do students have to complete an entire pattern before progressing? These are just suggestions, there are many more ways to define impulse control that I cannot list here) What are the additional skills and goals that you are addressing? Does the TME work on any of the secondary or tertiary goals that are listed above? Does it address other skills or goals? WRITE them down! What are the expectations that you have of the clients? (These include: what level of functioning does the TME need for succes...

Supplemental Sunday: Books for the Little Bits

I am constantly on the lookout for things that reinforce musical concepts, present songs, or engage my clients in musical expression. If I can find them for less money, GREAT! Today's supplemental is a bunch of little books that I found at the Dollar Tree - 3 for $1.00! Can't beat that price! They are Sesame Street themed with Elmo, so I only use these with the Pre-K to K groups. They have wonderful illustrations and processing prompts on every page. I have lots of them - 15 different titles to be exact - and my young students enjoy them. Now, these are not for group consumption. As you can see with the mini mouse for comparison, these books are palm-sized. They are great for children to read on their own or to share with one other person. Since the songs are pretty familiar, kids can sing them independently with a couple of repetitions. (Some of the songs have different words after the initial presentation.) The books are board books, so the pages are really thick and dif...

Inspiration Needed...

I'm going to go on an inspiration odyssey today. I'm in the need of something to spark some interest, some creativity, some thought process. It's been a struggle lately to think, but I know that thoughts and ideas that you come across at any given time can sprout and grow at the most inconvenient times. (That's why I always have Post-It Notes nearby, even when I'm driving!!) I am going to avoid Pinterest. Pinterest tends to be more interesting for me when I just want to be entertained, not when I have a goal in mind. When I have a goal in mind, Pinterest just makes me feel inadequate. So, no Pinterest today!! Music is always good for inspiration. I was watching the Teen Beach Movies yesterday (I know, but they are mindless and silly), and I remembered that I had the soundtrack from when I had a student who was obsessed with the music. I listened to the songs again, and found that I could probably adapt them and use them with clients (well, duh!). My computer ...

Favorite Things Friday: Introducing Mildred

I'd like you to meet Mildred. Mildred is the newest member of my personal circle, and she provides me with "gentle strength." This cage of bars, neoprene pads, hinges, and velcro has supported my knee for the past month, and has at least 10 more days to go before Mildred is set aside (for at least a short time) in favor of Arnold, my immobilizer. Isn't it amazing that we have devices and things like this available to us when we need them? I just marvel on this fact. In the old days, an injury like the one I have would have pretty much been a permanent thing. I would be limping and on crutches (at least) for the rest of my life. These days, I go in for a 6-hour surgery and voila! I start working that new ligament so it can work properly. One of the interesting things about Mildred is that she is an attention-getter. When I'm not working, I go out in my shorts because pants are just too hot and skirts are too fluffy for Walmart. I am amazed at how many peopl...

I Just Hit the Wall

I hit the fatigue wall today. I overextended yesterday and actually went to both of my jobs. I didn't get into bed until late (for me), and then had to call my parents and my sister. My sister was in a bit of a tizzy about a decision that someone made about her role at her school, so I stayed awake until she had something figured out what to say and an idea of how to approach the people involved. Once she found her way, we hung up, and I fell asleep immediately. This morning I awoke right before my "alarm" light turned on. I flipped over and went back to sleep for another hour - again, not at all like me. I had to force myself to actually get up and get my morning routine started. I really want to stay at home, but I am running out of sick time and don't know for sure if my worker's comp claim will kick in to pay me while I am considered "Temporarily Totally Disabled." I certainly don't want to owe my school district part of my salary due to an i...

Currently, I'm...

Reading... Imitation in Death by J.D. Robb. I'm also looking at starting Learning & Memory: The Brain in Action by Marilee Sprenger Playing... not much. Candy Crush Saga every so often. Watching... Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Listening To... Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Working On... finding motivation and energy to get things finished on this day Eating... nothing yet Drinking... water. Always water. Wanting... energy to get things done Needing... a spark Loving... the fact that my clients missed me while I was sick Thinking... that two weeks is a short period of time Feeling... nervous, scared, apprehensive, excited, and ready to be fixed! Celebrating... being able to breathe without coughing every single time! Grateful For... all of the things easily available to me since I am this person, in this place, at this time!

TME Tuesday: Oh No!

Today's TME is one that I composed several years ago for a bunch of students who loved it when things went wrong! They would engage if there was some sort of calamity happening! My drama skills came in handy as well! Therapeutic Music Experience Oh No!  Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC Purpose: To increase object recognition; to address directive-following Source: Original song. Ā© July 8, 2008 by Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC Materials: Instruments to hide around the room; containers to hide things Environment : Variable Song:   Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no! Where did it/they go, it/they go, it/they go, it/they go? Help me find the egg shaker(s) . Look in the box . Replace underlined words with other objects and directives. Procedure : R = Reinforcement opportunities; C = Redirection/Cue opportunities; A = Assessment Start singing song, using objects in the music room C=Using song lyrics, direct clients to ...