Not Much Time Today for Blogging...

I typically like to arrive at my work about 30-45 minutes early, and I am running a bit late today, so there won't be much to this post. It's been an okay morning - the time crunch is coming from a task that I've not been able to do for my church job - the list of music for upcoming worship services. So, I started this project earlier and it's been a bit of a chore. I've got to get this finished, so just a bit of talk... I guess I'll be a bit later to work than I've been recently.

I am still waiting to find out if I will be having surgery next week or not. It's dependent upon two things - a clear chest x-ray and the surgeon's okay. I don't have either of those things right now.

My last group today is my most contentious group all of the time. I'm already dreading them. We'll see what happens this afternoon.

See you tomorrow!


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