Inspiration Needed...

I'm going to go on an inspiration odyssey today.

I'm in the need of something to spark some interest, some creativity, some thought process. It's been a struggle lately to think, but I know that thoughts and ideas that you come across at any given time can sprout and grow at the most inconvenient times. (That's why I always have Post-It Notes nearby, even when I'm driving!!)

I am going to avoid Pinterest. Pinterest tends to be more interesting for me when I just want to be entertained, not when I have a goal in mind. When I have a goal in mind, Pinterest just makes me feel inadequate. So, no Pinterest today!!

Music is always good for inspiration. I was watching the Teen Beach Movies yesterday (I know, but they are mindless and silly), and I remembered that I had the soundtrack from when I had a student who was obsessed with the music. I listened to the songs again, and found that I could probably adapt them and use them with clients (well, duh!). My computer is set up and ready to go for music listening.

My books are also great for inspiration. I have many books. (Somewhere my parents have just been overcome with giggles at the idea that "many" adequately describes my book hoarding problem.) I have poetry books, music therapy books, fiction books, craft books, nonfiction books, and music books of all genres. 

I also have toys, instruments, games, and many other things that I go to when I need inspiration. Brainstorming all of the sensory benefits to something is a good way to start creativity going.

In the next year (October 2015 to September 2016), I want to do the following music therapy things:
  • A new webinar series for Internship Supervisors
  • Development of the singabout song series
  • Donation of my materials to various music therapy organizations
For the moment, I am going to go out in this dark morning to grocery shop. I'm going to keep an eye out for things that inspire me to think differently or more deeply. You never know, while strolling through the cheese aisle, you may just have the next great song pop into your head. 


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