Currently, I'm...

Reading... Imitation in Death by J.D. Robb. I'm also looking at starting Learning & Memory: The Brain in Action by Marilee Sprenger
Playing... not much. Candy Crush Saga every so often.
Watching... Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Listening To... Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Working On... finding motivation and energy to get things finished on this day
Eating... nothing yet
Drinking... water. Always water.
Wanting... energy to get things done
Needing... a spark
Loving... the fact that my clients missed me while I was sick
Thinking... that two weeks is a short period of time
Feeling... nervous, scared, apprehensive, excited, and ready to be fixed!
Celebrating... being able to breathe without coughing every single time!
Grateful For... all of the things easily available to me since I am this person, in this place, at this time!


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