Day Six: Ideas are Starting to Arrive
It is the downhill slide from break back to work now. We are over the halfway point, and I am progressing on my quests. One of the benefits to being on the trek back to work is that my brain is wanting to create and is coming up with ideas that I am trying to capture on paper as much as possible. I think I have come up with my workshop idea for the World Congress of Music Therapy next year, but I want to play with the idea a bit before I submit it. It is nice to have some ideas come into my brain at this time. It is exhilarating to get ideas of projects that need to be done and developed.
I am watching a YouTuber that I enjoy, Emily Harvey, who has a small sticker business in the United Kingdom. She is currently moving from being a full-time mom and small business owner to working outside her home again in a full-time job in addition to the other things that she does. She is trying to focus on her small business one hour a day in the afternoon to get things done and to be able to have some work-life balance.
I have not been balanced as much as I want to be lately. It has been easy to get into patterns that are not conducive to working on my own small business (VERY SMALL!). Due to these new patterns, I have lots of things that I want to get done that I just keep putting off. I may take a page from Emily's book and do what I know what I need to do to get these things off the ground!
One hour a day is not that much time. It really isn't. Sixty minutes is not too much time for anything, but it seems hard to organize at times. I get home from work and am exhausted deep down into my bones. This may be part of my body changes (gotta love menopause!), but it also seems something that I might be able to change. It is way past time to move this forward.
Ideally, this small business would be something that I could transition into doing full-time once I leave my current full-time job. Unfortunately, at this moment, that is not an option. I do not make enough money on my products and services. AT ALL!
At the same time, I want to. I want to share materials and products with other music therapists to help them find the things that they need to be able to stay in this profession in their places and in their situations.
So, one hour a day does not seem like too much to move towards my destination.
I had a couple of anxiety dreams last night which usually means that I am stressed about work. I did get two intrusive messages from work yesterday - I need to get those notifications removed from work. Work does not get to access my home information. I will need to make that clear. So, I guess I am a bit more stressed by work things than I thought. It is silly, really, because I know that I do not have to go to work for three days after today. I can still rest, but the text and email really got to me, I guess.
Now, it is time to figure out what I want to accomplish for the rest of this week. I have a new robot vacuum (Muffy), so I brought Huey (my first robot vacuum) down here. I need to find a place to set him up so he can get going and doing his job. Muffy also has a mop function, so it makes sense for her to be upstairs where the flooring is not all carpet. Huey will get a new view and less dryer sheets to get tangled up in his wheels. That's today's major quest - to find a place for Huey to live down here. I think he might like to live under the sewing table. Muffy will live in Huey's old spot in the entertainment room.
I am making progress on my home environment. I cut down several big boxes and then took them out to be collected by my city. I have a wall hanging project taking shape in my brain that will use up other cardboard, so I saved the best boxes for that project.
My desk is getting a bit more crowded, but I will do my best to keep it open. I want to do some filming on the end of the desk where there is more empty space, so I really need to keep that space empty to encourage me to film stuff. Would you like to see me put together some music therapy visual aids?? That's on my list of things I want to keep doing.
Well, it is time to start moving in this day towards my quest destinations. First task is to set up Mr. Huey. After all that, I will continue to open up as much space in this room as I can. I will talk to my sister - she has two more days of work before she starts her break. I will work on generating and collecting ideas as I move things from one place to another. There will be food at some point. I might do burritos for breakfast. I might not. That's the best part of this type of break - there is no telling what I will end up doing...
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