Day Nine: It's the End
Today is the last day of my Spring break, so I am getting myself geared up to return to my daily routine. I have nine weeks before the next round of medical procedures, so I have nine weeks to get my house ready for visitors. I also have a grocery order to pick up, food to cook and freeze, and a bedroom to clear.
I don't want to do anything, but I will.
There are definitely places where you can see changes in my environment. I put lots of boxes into recycling from the living room. The desk is still clearer than it was and is ready for some filming. I moved some bookshelves around that allow me to arrange laminating materials and file folders for some creation. I have done laundry, cleaned the sheets, washed many of the dishes (there are always more to wash, though), read four books, and napped (but only once or twice over the past nine days). I have been shopping outside my house a couple of times. I have spent lots of money on groceries, and I had my annual visit with my financial advisor to see if I can retire when I want to retire (I can!). I did quite a bit this past week, but it is difficult to see unless you saw it at the start of the week.
No more ruminating on the past. Let's talk about my future.
The immediate future is going to be taken up with cleaning all the areas of my house that need to be cleaned. That includes getting my vacuums going into patterns and taking some time to create paper things and also do my regular chores. My mornings are usually spent in blogging and getting my brain and body ready for working. My afternoons are time that I usually spend trying to get my body relaxed and pain-free. That will have to wait until I get some chores finished each day.
I am still trying to establish a routine for my afternoons where I feel like I am doing something other than just crashing into my bed after work. I have trying to establish such a routine since COVID interrupted the routines I had. The change in household changed everything, and I am not a good housekeeper. I have never been one, but I want to be better.
So, on this last day of break, I am going to work on my current bedroom and the kitchen. I need to cook food for reheating this week. I am thinking I might make chili and/or meatloaf. I want to make some sandwiches to take with me for lunch at work. I need to finish the dishes and move the remaining things off the floor so I can mop it. That should take a couple of hours. After the kitchen looks better, then I can do some more reading. I found a podcast that I can listen to while I work that will fill my brain with something to think about while I work. For now, it is time to get started on the kitchen before I head out to get my next batch of groceries.
I feel much better than I did yesterday - I think I have a sensitivity to pork now. Isn't that fun?? I just keep adding to the list of things I can no longer eat...
Happy Sunday.
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