Day Four: More of the Same - Break Chronicles


It is Tuesday of my spring break, and I have hit my overwhelmed point a couple of days early. I misplaced my planner when I started cleaning down here in the office. I just found it, so I am feeling a bit better about things right now. It's amazing how much I depend on that book. Now that I have found it, I am feeling a bit less overwhelmed. 


When I feel overwhelmed with things, I find that the best thing for me to do is to get busy with chores. Chores tend to be a big part of the overwhelm, so it is best to get things done. Unfortunately, the chores are the source of the overwhelm so the cycle goes around and around.

A couple of years ago, I made an index card collage of things that I can do when I am feeling this way. It is a silly little card, but it does help me when I need it. It includes things like reading a book or taking a walk or cleaning a corner. I used to keep it in my journal, but I left it behind a bit ago. I want to put it back in there to remind me that I do have options when I am not motivated to move through the emotion.

I have five more days of break stretching ahead of me (not counting today). I have an appointment later this morning to discuss my retirement planning for June 2026. That is the only thing that I have on my appointment list. While I am out, I might go to the library to get my next round of books. After today, though, my time is my own.

So, I am overwhelmed by my house. I am undermotivated to get much done. I need to get going on the living room re-do, so I will start that this morning and continue this afternoon. I will bring in my reusable shopping bags to help me move things from upstairs to downstairs, and I will get the one box cutter that I have managed to find in my current attempt to purge things from my house to cut down the cardboard that I want for a craft project. Once that gets started, it will look horrible which may spur me into finishing something. Anything!

The dishes are halfway done. The bedroom has some more clear spaces. I am putting pictures up on the walls. I have trash to put out tomorrow afternoon. I am making progress on little spaces around my home, but I am getting caught up in the things that still need to be done. Time to get going again.

The good news is that I am writing my internship handbook again. Chapter Six is on its way to my TPT store by the end of this month! Good thing, too. I am ready to continue this particular project and keep it going. I am also getting ready to do some creative papercrafts.

Enough talking about it all, let's get going!!

See you tomorrow? I hope you have a productive day, full of enthusiasm and motivation. Work through the overwhelm!


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