Day Five: The Mid-Way Point

Break Chronicles: Picture has a background image of a meadow with several tall trees, the sun shining through leaves, and a lake in the far background. The text includes the author’s Instagram handle, @musictherapyworkslandaker, the title of the post, “Break Chronicles,” and the URL of the website,
My sister is on the phone with me right now, talking about her morning commute which is significantly changing due to freeway construction. We now talk to and from her job. Today's discussion started with a grumble because of traffic and ended with mutual giggles and jokes about birds. Her break is next week, so she is currently engaged in parent-teacher conferences at the end of each day this week in order to prepare. Her teacher life in general education is somewhat different from mine as a therapist in special education, but there are enough similarities that we can bond over the silly stuff that happens in the world of education these days.

We have now arrived at the halfway point of my spring break. We may have some snow flurries later today, but it is currently windy and bright and sunny at my home. I have two hours before I can attempt to go to the library and get some new books. I have read four books from my To Be Read pile, so I feel like I can go get some other books without neglecting the stack by my bed. So, put a visit to the library on my list of things that I want to attend to today.

I started working on the living room yesterday - managed to fill a couple of trash bags to put out this evening... in the wind... in the flurries...

There is still much more to do.

That's the problem with my way of life. There is always so much more to get done that I cannot possibly get done in the hours that I have available.

There are pockets where I can see change - my desk is clear. I have a chair that is clear and able to be sat upon.

Yesterday, when I was checking in with my financial advisor and her administrator, I found out that I need to renew my driver's license. I am going to go do that today. Just set up an appointment at AAA to renew this thing! So, I WILL be going to the library before getting some brunch and then heading to the AAA office to renew my license. I might also do some more shopping for storage containers for different locations in my home. Of course, all of this outside stuff will keep me from doing things inside my house, but it is always a trade-off.

Time to make a bit more space for activities in my home right now. I have some paper stacks to sort through and some containers to purpose in my office space. I also have some labels to make for containers that are already full and ready to go! I try to make my cleaning and organizing something that helps future me find things. So, file folders are in different boxes that are not currently labeled. I need to figure out ways to make things more accessible to me in my home, so I get to make some labels! Hooray!! This is a way to make my detestable task of cleaning something creative.

Time to start.



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