The Thrifty Therapist: Envelope Stuffing Update
It is almost payday, so it is time to look at my current entertainment budget which I am monitoring through the use of envelopes. If you are not sure what I'm talking about, here is the link where I started my discussion. It is the first time for looking at my spending and getting things back to full envelopes.
I spent all my fast food money and more than what was there this past pay period. I had two large food orders (one was benefiting the region's music therapy student association) which cleaned me out and cleared out much of my miscellaneous envelope as well. I just made a Thriftbooks order, so money has to come out of that envelope as well. The cash that is there will be put into my replenishment fund because I used my card for those purchases. I will take out less money from this paycheck to get me back to the amount that I keep for entertainment.
I did not spend money on crafts this month. I did not spend money on my home this month. I did not spend money on the other category that I came up with when I put my envelopes together. I did spend a bit on useless toys that give me feelings of happiness. That money needs to come out of my envelopes.
I will not have to get as much money from my paycheck to make my levels back. That is a good thing for my budget.
Now, I need to sit down and look at the receipts that I have collected. That will give me a better idea of how this all worked these past two months. Lots of food. Some toys. Some books. Not bad.
The next thing that I will be looking at is my medical spending. I am getting ready for some increased medical tests and procedures which will probably mean that I will have to meet my deductible and coinsurance maximums for the next three years. That's lots of money that I do not currently have, so it is time to save as much as possible so I will be able to meet my financial obligations.
In the meantime, I have been contacted about some virtual work, but I am hesitant to start something new now that I have so many tests and procedures that I have to do. The money would be good, but the work may not be something I can sustain. Lots to consider and lots to work through.
See you tomorrow? It may be a snow day in my part of the world, so I may or may not blog depending on my mood and ability to get myself out of bed in the morning...
Either way, see you soon.
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