My Basic Beliefs
I am thinking that it is time for a soul-searching type of post. I am struggling with things that are happening in our world, and I believe that every person has to come up with their own way of dealing with these things. However, I also have very strong opinions about what is right and what is wrong. I am trying to reconcile myself to the things that I am drawn to do and the ways that I can respond to things outside of my home. I have to get back to what I believe, so here I go.
I believe that every person deserves the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I believe that every person is valuable. I believe that every person has the ultimate right to decide what makes them happy in their time on this earth. I believe that there needs to be structure and boundaries in society to protect those who are unable to protect themselves from those who feel that they can control how others live their lives.
I believe that we are the product of evolution, and I can recognize that thought with my spiritual beliefs as well. I believe that everyone can find their own way into spirituality - my beliefs are not for everyone, and that's fine with me. I want others to question and explore and decide for themselves. My spirituality is something that I hold close to myself, but I am constantly evolving in the way that I practice my beliefs. I like to surround myself with people who believe things that are different from what I believe. I like to discuss these thoughts in ways that are respectful and deep.
I believe that it is the job of government to help the people that are governed. I believe that I can contribute my salary taxes to benefit those who are unable to work. I want to help, and I wish that those with the most would also want to help. I wish we had things like universal healthcare in this country. I wish that we had universal mental healthcare in this country. I wish we valued people in more ways than just how much they could earn for the private sector.
I believe that I am the person who can make the best choices for my life. I do not think that someone else can truly make my choices with the type of discernment that I possess about my experiences and needs. I believe that every person deserves this type of empowerment.
I know that there are many other things that I believe, but I am thinking this is enough for the moment. I hope that this is a starting place for helping me figure out what I want to get going and how I want to move forward. Is this the start of some changes in my music therapy philosophy? Probably.
Thanks for reading.
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