Inclement Weather Day #5: Laundry and Dishes!
It is a snow day today. I can't see outside yet, so I am not sure how much snow we have at the moment, but it was enough to have the superintendent cancel yesterday afternoon. Everything is closed here, and I am at home. I considered spending the night last night at work in my office so I could have an extra day off at some point, but I also considered my age, my movement ability, and my need for some comfort. I am here at home.
I will do my best to get something accomplished today. I got a delivery late last night of poly envelopes for different materials. I have been using these to organize cards and visual aids at work, so I bought some more to help with containing things here at home. I will start the process today. I also have laundry, dishes, and other home chores to pay attention to. There is never an end to all of this. I also have to find stamps so I can send out some paperwork.
I am a bit disappointed to have this week interrupted by snow because I was having fun with my students this week. We have been throwing balls at drums with Planet Drum as an accompaniment to release energy, tire out bodies, and start a discussion about percussion instruments. Everyone has been participating in one way or another - staff and students alike.
That has been a good therapeutic music experience (TME) for this week. It has been a long time since my students have been able to run around outside, so there are all sorts of energies happening. I have a pretty big space, so it is a good place to bounce balls and jump around a bit. I have seen several upset students engage in the TME and vector their moods.
For the moment, though, I am sitting in my office/craft space, watching a television show that I have seen many times, and waiting for my sister to call. She's texting me right now from across the country and two hours earlier. Eventually, she will transition to her commute and will call me to let me talk her to work. We now talk in both the morning and the evening - to and from her job. I like having that contact with my baby sister. We stay close even though we live far apart.
It is time to start the work part of my day. I will use my 30-30 method to help me get some stuff finished downstairs before heading upstairs to do the laundry and the dishes. I have spaghetti sauce and other things to eat today, so it is time to get going. I hope that you are able to stay safe in your part of the world. Enjoy!!
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