...And Now, a Personal Day

We had three snow days in a row this week, and I still cannot get my little, short, stubby-wheeled car out of my driveway, so I get another day off. We are supposed to have more snow tonight, but if I can get my driveway cleared the rest of the way today, I should be able to get out of my house tomorrow to get to work.

My biggest problem is that I am not well-equipped to shovel lots of snow. I have been straining my back trying to move the snow across the driveway, so I can only do things in short spurts with lots of resting in between. I have been doing small bits at a time. I will be finished by the end of business today. I have to be.

Since we do not have an official inclement weather day today, I have had to take yet another personal day. That leaves me with five days off for the rest of the year. I am going to need at least two more days for additional testing and procedures, but I will face that when I come to the situation.

I have been able to arrange a bunch of medical appointments in the past three days, so that's a good thing. I have also done a little bit of decorating, some unpacking of boxes, and reading. Other than shoveling the remaining 40% of my driveway today, I need to do some laundry and some cooking to prepare for the rest of this week. If I can finish the driveway, I have to go out to get a medication refill. The snow that we are supposed to get this evening will not be enough to keep me in, so I will be heading back to work tomorrow - as long as the district doesn't call things off. I hope we will know early whether we have to go in or not.

I have not worked on anything for music therapy stuff this week. I've spent most of the time just staying warm and struggling with the amount of snow and ice that is happening right now. I am feeling the itch to get back to work and to be away from my own company. This is a good thing because I rarely miss going to work these days. To have that sense that I want to head back is a good change. I will be changing my plans for this next week to use the Country of the Month resources that I have made rather than talking about Jazz bands. There are always ways to adapt around my music therapy clinic.

It is daylight outside, so I am going to bundle up and start shoveling some more. It's 19 degrees Fahrenheit outside with a wind chill of 9, so I will need the bundling, but not as much as I did on Tuesday when I started all of this shoveling. If I can finish in one fell swoop, then I will go get my medications and come back home to work on the icy sidewalks. My gutters need attention and are iced over right now, so as they melt, they are dripping on the sidewalks and then refreezing over again. My last task for today is to figure out where to hang up the pictures I got for Christmas - one is of a giraffe that my sister painted (his name is Reynaldo, and I know where he is going to reside) and the other is one of my Dad. I'm not sure where I want Dad's picture to go, but I am thinking he would be good in my stairwell - I go up and down every day, so the picture would be appreciated all the time! I also need to continue making that space my gallery, so I will be getting pictures of my other family members framed and placed up there.

That's it. Time to get shoveling!


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