Wednesday - What I'm Reading

To be completely honest, I am currently just getting through my library books right now. I have finished seven of them, have three more to read, and twelve more days to finish them up before I need to turn them back in. I will finish them before that time, but not until this weekend.

It is interesting that when I try to read anything at work, attempting to gain some sunshine and get away from my desk, all I get are condescending and snotty comments. People walk past saying, "Gee, must be nice to have extra time where you can just sit and read." This always rubs me the wrong way because I am taking my 25-minute duty free lunch that is part of the contract that is between myself and my school district. I get to choose when and how I take that time. I don't leave my office much because of the attitude that I get when I leave my space. All I can think is, "Well, ____. If you were as efficient in your job as I am in mine, you would have some time to take lunch as well, and don't think that people haven't noticed your hour long lunches off grounds, because they have." I get kinda catty when I feel like I am being passively-aggressively directed by someone who has no business criticizing...


The library books that I (mostly) randomly picked have been interesting. I don't think I will bother checking out any more Philip Roth books - the one I got was about 600 pages long and was very strange. It was the type of book where I kept waiting for something to happen and nothing ever did. I felt that way about the movie, The Notebook, as well. I like things to happen in my entertainment.

I am currently reading the first book in the Jedi Academy series of Star Wars. I enjoy these stories and always get something from that section of the library.

My library use for the year will wrap up when I turn these books in. I will be traveling, so I will not check out anything else until after my trip. This will allow me to tackle the growing To Be Read pile that I have accumulated recently. I will take my Kindle with me so I can read on the plane and while I am at my destination. I have plenty of things that I haven't read on that device, so I can fill the time. Once I get back, I'll head back to the library. My quest is to use the resource as much as I can next year. I also want to read my To Be Read pile before I buy new books.

The books I have left to read are one by Kathy Reichs and another by Anne Perry. These books will fulfill my need for action and things happening, so I am looking forward to them. In the meantime, I am going to take my Star Wars story to work to read in my music therapy room when clients are not present.

I have decided on the first of my five work-related books for the new year's quest. Group Analytic Music Therapy by Ahonen-Eerikainen, Heidi is my first choice for professional development. I do not know what this book is about, but it comes from a realm of music therapy that I do not practice. I expect to have my beliefs about music therapy challenged, but perhaps I will also glean some ways to enrich the lives of my clients at the same time. It is time to get out my sticky notes, my notebook, and my music therapy brain.

That's it for today. I have to decide whether I shower this morning or this evening. I want to spend some time this afternoon making some bulletin board border activities to include in my exhibit hall offering at the Midwestern Region conference this year - that reminds me, I need to send them my information. So, sending MWRAMTA my exhibit information and getting started on my "to be sold" stash are on my list. That list is growing and growing...

Time to revisit my not-to-do list as well.

See you tomorrow??


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