Thoughtful Thursday

I am currently sitting in the family room at my last childhood home, blogging, and thinking about stuff. Nothing really all that important is going through my head, but I am thinking. There is something about being physically away from all things that I have to do that makes my brain start to rumble about other things. It happens every time I come here, and I am both invigorated by it and frustrated about it at the same time.

For example, I love that I do not have to work for the next week. I love that I can spend time with the family members who are here, and I love that I can putter around. I am enjoying my mother create things for her Barbie dolls, and I love the self-satisfied giggle she emits when she accomplishes something for herself. We have a project to start creating some rooms to furnish with all the things that she is creating, and I hope that we get to that pretty soon.

The frustration comes from not having my own things to create with. I am away from my own stuff, and Mom's interests do not always match up with mine. My sister is not as interested in puttering around as I am, so she gets frustrated when we just sit and make things or just sit. She prefers to be going out and about, and that is hard for me to do these days. I anticipate that she will be coming over today at some point - even if it is just to head out to some stores to get things for Mom's projects.

Right now, I am not doing much thinking about music therapy as a career. My thoughts today are more along the lines of "what can I buy at 50% off" and "I hope that my packages don't arrive until after I get back." Even though my thoughts are not firmly focused on my work right now, thoughts about what I could be doing come creeping along. I could be writing the next installment of my internship handbook. I could be making materials for my groups this next month. I could be working on my new sing about songs project. The nice thing is that I do not have to do any of it!

Eventually, the entire rest thing will get to be a bit too much, and I will start turning my attention to these coulds. This is a longer stay than it has been in years and years, so we will see how I feel about it in a couple of days. I might actually work on the handbook and make some things to ship back home with my boxes.

Come to think about it, I might just start that next sing about songs project. I have plenty of inspiration here and can do much of the work from my little laptop - as long as the wifi holds up, that is! I have a self-imposed publication date of the 15th of the next month, so here goes!!!

Life is good right now. I am literally in a place that is good for me. I have time and no excuse to rest and relax and let go of the things that frustrate me about being a music therapist. This time between the end of school and the beginning of January is always my time to get enthused about something new, and I always do!

I brought my daily journal with me but not my idea journal. That journal is sitting in my bedroom back in foggy Kansas. So, any ideas that I get during this time will go in the daily journal starting from the back of the book and moving forward. I have plenty of room in that book for ideas, and that is what the book is for. Time to get going on doing some directed thinking. See you tomorrow? 


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