Saturday (Post Take 2)

To be completely honest, this is the second post that I have tried to write today. The first one ended up being a list of my current challenges and the amounts of emotional ups and downs that I am currently experiencing, but it was not something that I wanted to continue to write about, so here I am.

I got some Velcro for my file folder projects this week, so I have no excuses to not get going on my exhibit hall plans. Time to get printing and cutting and laminating and velcroing and prepping and pricing and all that! I am looking forward to this challenge, so I am going to get going with it!

I have selected my word for 2025. I like this practice as it gives me some sort of purpose during my yearly trip around the sun. It may be silly to some, but I find comfort in thinking about what I want to do in my quests and in my life and in my work.

There are only 24 days left until the start of 2025. I am much less stressed than I have been for a very long time. That is a definite benefit to not having a church job, but I also miss the traditions and the ceremony that comes along with this time of year - not enough to go looking for a church community, but enough to be a bit nostalgic. I hope it will better next year when the pain of the entire situation is a bit more removed and when the passive-aggressive person who kicked me out of the job so she could take it over stops putting bags of my stuff on my front door. That always makes me angry.


That topic is just getting me into the thoughts that steered the first post of this morning, so let's deflect and move on.

So, time to get going on my Saturday stuff. I want to do bedding today as well as my laundry for the week. I also need to get the dishes started over again and put all the recycling in the can. That's the first set of things to get going. After that, I want to read some of my library books. I think that there will be more time for chores tomorrow, but it is time to get started. 

Time to move forward in the darkness that is winter around here...

Bedding in the washer first. See you tomorrow.


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