Random December Thoughts

It is almost the end of the calendar year - a convention that humans created to measure time - and that leads me to think... I am thinking lots more these days due to more time to myself and less time running around from music event to music event. I am trying to find ways to keep myself occupied rather than watching television and eating.

December has been a month where I flitted from thing to thing, but since I released myself from my church job, I find myself with not much to do. For some reason as well, I am in an anger spiral, so I find myself ruminating on the fact that I don't have as much to do this month as I have had for the past 26 years, but that is part of how my body is primed at the moment.

This week is our Holiday Sing. This is the replacement that I had to come up with when my administrators restricted my use of the town community stage and told me that two small bumpouts in the gymnasium was adequate for my needs for a stage. They are not. So, the Holiday Sing was born.

We gather together in a circle and sing holiday songs. I try to limit our references to Jesus and God, but there are times when classes sneak those songs into the list. We do NOT have to run Grandma over this year (thank goodness!!). We have two songs that we will dance to at the end of our sing because I am not learning how to play Mariah Carey's eternal shriek on the guitar. In fact, I may just find karaoke versions of all the songs and save my fingers... Hmmm.

'Tis the season for the bullet journalers that I follow to show off their new bullet journals! Many people make new journals at the start of the year. I tend to fill up a journal in June or July, so I start a new one at that point. I do have new pages that I put into my journal at this point. My word of the year has a page to itself as I go through my ideas of what that word means to me. I have a 2024 review where I will attach the map that I made for the year, and I have my quests for quarter one. I have found some Star Wars cutouts that I purchased from Etsy some time ago, so I have been using those to decorate my special pages. This type of task offers my mind something to do and an opportunity to think about various things in my life. While I am not someone who qualifies as an arty bullet journaler, I do like adding pictures, stickers, and colors to my journal. I am watching my favorite bullet journaler - Jashii Corrin - for some new ideas.

As I go into the next 12 days before break, I am struggling to find any sort of interest in the things that I need to accomplish before I take said break. My dishes are piled so much in the sink that I cannot use the sink. It literally takes me three minutes to load the dishwasher, so why am I not motivated to do that task? The front room has boxes full of stuff from my church job in it. They have been there since late August. I did empty one this weekend, but there are so many more to do! It is time to get myself going. I will have one day of break before I head into my holidays and two days before I head back to work, so I want to get as much finished in the next twelve days as I can tolerate. 

Morning me is much more energetic than afternoon me.

Someone is starting a crochet club at one of the middle schools in my town, so I answered a call for yarn and hooks. I am giving much of my yarn away which will free up lots of storage in my craft area! I am so excited to move things along and out of my space. I am not doing as much crocheting these days, but I will get back to it. I just know that there is no reason to have as much as I have (much of it was given to me by a friend's husband after she passed away). It is nice to move things on. I need to bag that up and get it ready to go!

I am also finished with my library books, so I need to drop them off this week. I will not be going back to the library before 2025 starts, so I can use one of the handy drop boxes around town rather than navigating a holiday downtown area.

It is time to go. It is foggy outside but temperatures are well above freezing so there shouldn't be too much difficulty driving to work. I am not entirely sure what we are going to do, but I think I might be able to swing some orchestra instrument BINGO games. That seems like something I can tolerate, but who knows? I might do something else completed once I get to work. It all depends on me...


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