Work Wednesday - FINALLY Getting Back to Work!

For the past two days, I have been at home, waiting for a medication that I need to take before heading back to work due to contagion. I finally have the medication, so I get to go back to work today after four days away from my job. The first two days off were planned, but the last two days were not. I no longer want to do centers with my groups - they feel like too much work right now for my brain and body to accomplish, but I will need to find something for my next ten groups to do in the next two days.

I have done very little here at home for the past two days. I have started chapter six of the internship handbook that I am writing, but I have mainly just laid around, reading books and watching old television shows. I am more than ready to head back to work now that I am no longer contagious. I refuse to be Patient Zero with contagion, so I stay home until I am clear to return. My brain, though, needs more stimulation than I get when I am at home.

So, when I get to work, I have to do four days' worth of canceled session documentation, go through all the emails that accrued in my box (most will have NOTHING TO DO WITH ME), and figure out what I am going to do during the next two days for my sessions. After that, I will set up the music therapy room for my first group - they need chairs out or students attempt to lounge and sleep rather than do therapy - and do the usual preparation tasks like tuning the guitar, setting up the computer, and arranging my materials for easy access during therapy. Then, two straight hours of sessions before a midday break for email catch-ups, planning, and brain rest. The day will end with two more groups and then quiet time in my office with the clinic area lights off. I think that today's quiet time will be spent going through my TME file to help me remember old TMEs to bring back into treatment. Also, next week is technology week, so I need to find my cassettes and records to join my CD player.

I am in a place where my personal issues are more demanding than work pressures. I am looking forward to muting the personal thoughts as I get back to work this week. It is time to focus on what is going on with my clients as I move into this season.


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