Songwriting Sunday: Writing Silly Songs to Get the Music Flowing

There are times when I have little to no creative inspiration but still need to be writing music for clients. If I try to force things, I often feel more upset and more blocked than when I go through my techniques to help me figure out a way around or over my blocks.

My favorite technique is writing a silly song.

Silly songs do not have to make sense, they don't have to have any sort of therapeutic benefit, and they don't have to be shared or even written down (though my clients have often loved my silly song results, so I try to record the songs in some way - who doesn't love to be silly?).

I usually start the entire process by focusing on something I can see. I tend to respond well to visual input, so looking at an item or a picture helps me in my process. I have a book of magazine objects that I have collected over the years that has provided lots of inspiration. I also just do random things that I see. Once I have the item selected, I just start my improvisation.

The best part about improvisation is that there is no way to be wrong in any aspect of what is happening. NO WAY TO BE WRONG! So, off I go into the world of musical elements and playing with words and just singing something silly. 

Rabbit, babbit, falling over now. Rabbit, babbit, stand on your two feet. Rabbit, babbit, the company you keep.

I have a novelty rabbit eraser that has blue pants, a green shirt, and stands up like a person rather than a rabbit. To my great frustration, it does not balance on its feet. It always topples over. Inspiration for a song? You bet!

a rabbit eraser - the rabbit is supposed to stand on its feet but does not. The rabbit is dressed in blue pants and a green shirt.
Once the silly song gets going, I can often transfer that skill and focus to the things that I want to compose for specific clients.

So, my formula for songwriting - item+improvisation=creative release.

I am interested about what you do when you are feeling blocked creatively. 


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