Reading - Not What I'm Reading, But Just Plain Old Reading

It has been about a month since I went to the library, and I am feeling the urge to go back but I am also feeling lazy. How does that work? Well, going to my library involves going downtown which is a warren of one-way streets, having to compete for parking, and then having to go to the outskirts of town where I live. The only time I have to do something like this is after work when my brain is absolutely exhausted and the thought of all of the effort needed to check out books makes the thought of going through the process absolutely horrific to me.

This does not mean that I am not reading, though.

Oh, of course not. I have an extensive library of my own that I am reading through. At the moment, I am re-reading The Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordin because he has a new book out that continues Percy Jackson's story. I wanted to re-read the ones that I have in order to get caught up. That's 10 books to get through before I can start the new one. I am on book nine. In addition to my extensive library in my library room, I also have a stuffed Kindle that has more free books than anything else. I also have a subscription to Libby through my library account, so I have access to all sorts of books.

Before I had a Kindle that I take with me everywhere (mainly because I can play downloaded movies and television shows during my commute through my car's sound system), I rarely left the house without a book. I made sure that my purses were large enough for a paperback in addition to my wallet, and off I would go! I don't have to have big purses anymore, but I miss the days of hauling a book around.

I am someone who prefers to select my own books rather than reading something as an assignment. I do not like writing book reports, and I hate reading books in order to analyze them. Reading for research is excruciating for me, so I don't do it anymore. There you go. I prefer to pick what I am reading, and reading is for entertainment for me - I don't like it when I have to read.

Today, I will be going to work to stay for 12 hours. It is our school's Open House, and I have to be around for longer than usual. I no longer have a Wednesday night job, so I will be there for the entire day. I hope that people remember me if we get to go home early, but I doubt that they will. They never do. So, I will sit in my music therapy room, waiting for people to arrive, organizing my back closet, and reading a book occasionally...

Happy Wednesday, all.


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