Last Day of ESY

picture of a finger wearing a mood ring that is bright blue
For those of you not in the "School-Based Therapist" know, ESY stands for "Extended School Year" and means that I have to work summer school whether I want to or not. Today is the last day of our ESY session, and I am more than ready. After tomorrow's 
"progress note" day, we have 12 days before we have to report back to start the regular school year. I have one medical appointment, but that is the only obligation that I have for break. Other than that, I plan on working on my library and that is about it other than my usual self-care stuff.

I have three groups today because there is an all-school movie during the last group time. Someone walked into my room yesterday to actually test the temperature and to tell me that there was someone else showing up to evaluate the computer system that controls the temperature. They interrupted a group session, but I am happy that someone is actually acting like they are doing something. Only three groups to run in an overly warm room until I have time to rest.

I am ready to do some resting. While I love traveling and being with my family, I also crave solitude when I have time to rest. I am resisting my usual urge to load up my to-do list with chores that I will not be happy to do during the next 13 days, but those thoughts continue to invade my brain. I want to write them down without feeling the pressure to do any of them. That rarely happens, so I guess I will turn it into some sort of art installation - you know, write them down, shred them into little bitty pieces, then create something with them. Call it something like "Over-reaching into the Break" and put it onto the wall.

I could add to it each time I feel this way.

For the last day of ESY, my students are doing a variety of things. First, we are playing Would You Rather? with a song written by a former intern, and then finishing up with a rousing game of instrument BINGO. The other two groups will watch Pixar shorts and play with my electronic toys. For now, though, I am going to drag my aching body across the state to get to work. Not much else happening, but break chronicles will be starting soon - I hope that chapter three of my internship handbook will be ready by Sunday, but who knows??

See you soon.


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