Friday Review on a Sleepy Saturday

I am proud of how I spent my Friday.

Now, I initially did not want to do anything but stay in my bed and wallow in my down feelings, but I forced myself to leave my home. Leaving my house means putting on clothing other than pajamas, making sure that I have my phone and cash, and then heading out into the world beyond my home. Leaving my house means having to be in the heat and humidity. I did just that yesterday.

I have been trying to use my unlimited movie pass often this summer. Since I do not work on Fridays, I try to go see something on Friday afternoons and again on Sundays. I decided to go see Fly Me to the Moon yesterday, and once I had decided to do that, I got going... more than an hour before the movie start time. So, I was in my car and very early, so it was time to do something else.

In June, I went downtown (not my favorite area of my town because it attracts all sorts of tourists) to the library to pick up my library card. At the time, I had three other errands to run, so I did not engage in browsing. I have since finished the summer reading challenge, so I had to go to the library to pick up my prizes! I actually went all the way in and checked out some books. I also found free parking and was able to find a good route to the library. Downtown is a maze of one-way streets, so the route is essential to my return. After randomly pulling some books off the shelves, I went back to the car just in time to get to the theater only 25 minutes early!

The movie was good. I am someone who was born after man first walked on the moon, and the history of the space program is one of my interests, so the movie  really resonated with me. I enjoyed it.

After my movie, I came back home, made some lazy chicken alfredo, and then worked in my journal a bit. It was a good day. I talked to my Mom and my Sis, and then I went to bed early. I woke up to cloudy skies and the possibility of rain all morning. I hope it arrives. Rain would be a great change from the heat and sun that has been overwhelming lately.

So, my Fun Friday turns into a Sleepy Saturday. I am feeling happy about that. So far, I have not done much, but I am planning on finishing chapter two of my internship handbook today, and I might get started on chapter three. I have been working on this project for better than a decade now, so it is exciting to get bits of it published, even if no one knows about it all yet...

So, the rest of today will be spent in rest and work. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday, to be honest. I also have to write a letter about my church job and contact a person about doing an ethics course for the Online Conference for Music Therapy. I would also like to do something creative - either painting or making a book or trying my best to just create.

I always miss these three day weekends when the regular school year starts back again. It would be nice to have three day weekends for the entire year, but that is not going to happen for at least two more years... probably. We will see how the letter about my church job goes. It is now time to get to work. See you tomorrow for some songwriting!


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