Thoughtful Thursday: Time for Some More Self-Care

I am gearing up for some self-care things later today. My Thursday afternoon meeting is cancelled to accommodate some "team-building" activities tomorrow that some of the team (ahem - the school therapists) are not invited to attend. So, I am going to use the meeting time for some self-care of my own.

A large part of my self-care routine at the moment is finding a cool place to be. My room is not any cooler with the fans that have been installed - the fans just move the air around which is helpful but doesn't fix the broken HVAC system. My body does not handle heat well - it never has - so I tend to be overly tired and headachy at the end of every day. Ir is not a super comfortable situation.

In fact, I am starting today with a headache which is also pretty typical for the summer months. I am thankful that I have a working AC system in my car and here at home. So, I am going to come home a little bit early and cool down in my space. I will also spend a bit of time trying to get my lamination station set up here at home. I have some things to make this weekend in between all the cleaning and clearing and stuffing in closets that I have to do.

Yesterday was a busy day - six sessions in the heat. My Spotify account was canceled by the folks in marketing - they do so much to mess me up personally that it is absolutely ridiculous. I am trying not to take it personally, but it is difficult with the history that I have with these particular co-workers. So, I am having to run around to fix that today so I can have access to the playlists that my students use daily. It's a good thing that I know how to run sessions without streaming!

Today is a day with only four groups. The fifth group that would usually happen in the summer session on Thursday is our still empty classroom. So, I have an additional 30 minutes to sit and sweat in my classroom without any observers. I hope to kickstart my brain into coming up with the actual things that I want to do with students next week. I have the theme, but I do not have a list of TME options yet. That is what I want to accomplish this afternoon before I leave for my self-care time... in the cooler temperatures at home.

I have to buy new tires in the next 10 days. Yesterday's rain led my little car into some slipping. I knew it was coming soon, so I have to call the tire place and arrange for tires before the 29th. I also have a callback to make about an interview that I did two months ago. I am not looking forward to that call. I don't like making calls anytime, but this one will be particularly stressful for me.

See you tomorrow?


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